
Out of Africa Always Something New

On our way back we spend a night in Stone Town and soak in a bit more of the atmosphere. A chilling visit to the museum with the last remaining slave prison puts this part of the world in historical perspective.

Nick and I make it back to Dodoma in the knick of time to greet our boss and trustees who are visiting our office this week. We spend the next few days giving presentations, attending meetings and discussing the sustainability of our programmes in more depth. It is an eye opening experience and I am glad to have crossed over with the trustees again before wrapping up my time in Dodoma. I can’t believe I’ll be back in the UK in just a few weeks time. These past 8 months have been a unique experience and I feel I have learnt so much. The hardest part is saying goodbye to the team but in a way it feels right and more appropriate than continuing to command my seniors. I can’t help feeling slightly relieved that my departure will make way for local talent to grow and hopefully assert itself. There has been no better time for management reform at Sunseed.

To my surprise and luck I get an article on the clean stoves initiative published the day before flying back home: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/dec/07/letter-from-tanzania-stoves-ostler

Before leaving Tanzania I make a short visit to Mikumi National Park with friends. It has been an old dream of mine to go on safari in East Africa and here I am waving goodbye to the mango chewing baboons, the peeing giraffes, the fighting gazelles and the slumbering pack of lions. On my return to snowy Somerset, dad greets me with a warm embrace and an old Roman saying, EX AFRICA SEMPER ALIQVID NOVI.

One day I hope to return to Tanzania and continue marvelling at this land of joy and hamna shida. And if I ever find myself short of happiness, I will be sure to find it thriving here, still pumping away in the beautiful, serene hearts that beat in Tanzania.

I am flattered if you’re still reading…thanks :)

1 comment:

  1. Really enjoyed reading this Sophia. I hope all is well. Much love, Juliet x
